
Showing posts from 2018

A Picture in a Wallet

Today I was going through some old time-worn items stuffed away in the top drawer of a top-heavy oak bureau. I managed to throw out items that might have collected cobwebs had they not been enclosed in that drawer for so many years. So many now-worthless objects that I was caught between feelings of loss and self-congratulation for at last overcoming the hoarding instinct as I decisively de-cluttered my life, jettisoning item after useless item. Then I came upon my late wife Yvonne's wallet. "This shouldn't be too hard, " I thought. " Just a bunch of expired credit cards and other meaningless memorabilia. " I decided to shred the credit cards, and otherwise dispose of all but the last Driver's License Yvonne had posed for. I thought it would be a fitting way to hold on to her memory just a little tighter. But as I removed the license, I found, carefully protected behind it, an old picture of our grandchildren, Luc (or Lucas, as he's called to