Ghosts, Aliens and Somebody's Imagination

The vast universe of cable TV has a rich assortment of exciting documentary programs with which one may expand his or her awareness of things unexplained. I refer mostly to the sudden explosion of material dealing with paranormal phenomena: hour upon hour dedicated to the proposition that all spirits are created equal - or are they? Some show up as full-fledged apparitions, while others just cause a needle to move on a little meter.

Meanwhile, there's the invasion of the extraterrestrials, who now reside chiefly at Area 51. I've watched the amazing autopsy films from Roswell, and marveled at the magic metal that once formed a real flying saucer. And who hasn't been persuaded by all that eyewitness evidence of Sasquatch, the Loch Ness Monster, and all the other creatures lurking in the wilderness?

Well, in our home there is at least one true believer. I'm learning new and exciting things about the nature of life and the origins of the universe. Finally, it all makes sense. Everything I thought I knew turns out to be wrong. I should have been more observant, but until the Sci-Fi channel saved me, I was caught up in the daily battle with existential angst suffered by every other lost soul. Thanks to those seekers of truth who have the courage to finally speak out, I am at one with everything and everybody. I even found this cool shirt to help me in getting the message out.


Fiauna said…
Have you been listening to Alien Dave? But, I have to say that is a cool looking shirt.
Jay Allen said…
Aliens are the way the Dale Dribbles of the world make sense of it.

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